AIDS and HIV treatment / risk factors

AIDS(Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome and HIV (Human immuno virus)

AIDS is disease and HIV is virus causing disease . It is defined as the most severe form of a continuing of illness which will come from human immuno deficiency virus infection. AIDS and HIV is related with a virus named Retrovirus Infection of HIV virus occurs when it enters the host CD4 (T) cell and it will cause this cell to replicate viral RNA and viral proteins which in turn invade other CD4 cells the stage of HIV disease will be based on –

  • Clinical history
  • Physical Examination
  • Laboratory finding of immune dysfunction
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Infections
  • Malignancies

or We can also define it in adults is based on the condition associated HIV infection and the count of CD4 + T cells

  1. Primary infection (can be acute or recent HIV infection or acute HIV Syndrome or Dramatic drop ion CD4 T cells The normal range of CD4 T cells in body is 500-1500 cells per mm³
  2. HIV asymptomatic(CDC category A) = More than 500+ T cells per mm³
  3. HIV symptomatic(CDC category B)=200 to 499 CD4+ T cells per mm³
  4. AIDS( CDC Category C)= Fewer than 200 CD4 + T cells per mm³

Risk factors

It is Highly transmitted by body fluids for example..

  1. An intercourse with HIV infected persons
  2. Comes in contact with the blood of HIV infected patient
  3. During transfusion of blood and that blood is contaminated with virus
  4. Birth of a child of HIV infected mothers
  5. All health care workers are always on the risk of needle prick injury at the time of treatment of infected patient

Signs and Symptoms

  1. Respiratory System : Shortness of breathe, Cough, Chest pain
  2. Gastrointestinal system: Loss of appetite , Nausea, Vomiting, White patches on mouth , Pain at the time of swallowing , Mouth lesions, Chronic diarrhea, Weight loss.
  3. Neurological system: Memory deficits, Headache , Difficulty in concentration, Progressive confusion, Delayed verbal responses .

Diagnose and assessment

  1. ELISA test (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay)
  2. Ora sure saliva test
  3. Ora quick rapid HIV / Antibody test


  1. HAART(Highly active retroviral therapy)
  2. The patient who will suffer fro diarrhea take low fat diet, lactose and caffeine and high fiber soluble diet
  3. The patient who will suffer from lack of appetite can take appetite stimulant prescribed by doctor.
  4. Do not scratch body in case of skin rashes
  5. In case of needle prick wash hands with betadine liquid and dettol and immediately visit ART(Anti retro viral therapy)  center. keep the blood flow from that area continue by not pressing.
  6. If patient is in windo period repeat the ELISA test after 6 months.
  7. Latest approach for treatment is Gene modification approach.
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