Interview questions for tablet

Interview questions for Tablet compression

Commonly asked interview questions for Tablet compression are.

  1. What is Material of construction of turret  ?
  2. How many parts is Turret divided into ?
  3. What is limit of Friability in IP and USP ?
  4. What is limit of Weight variation in IP and USP ?
  5. Why the samples of Initial, Middle and End are withdrawn in compression stage ?
  6. What are the Equipment’s required to Install the Dies ?
  7. What are the Different types of Keys in tablet press punches ?
  8. What is Double impression problem in tablet press ?
  9. Does double Impression problems occurs in Round as well as Shaped punches ?
  10. How is Force feeder related to tablet capping problem ?
  11. What is Tablet Flashing problem ?
  12. Why the sticking problem is reduced when we polish punches and than again regenerates after few cycles of tabletting ?
  13. How is capping problem is related to fines in granules ?
  14. How is Fill cam related to overweight tablets ?
  15. What is Bakelite relief in tablet tooling ?
  16. What is Tapered dies in tablet tooling ?
  17. What is importance of lower punch seals in tablet press ?
  18. What is importance of dust cups in tablet press ?
  19. What is the procedure to clean the Dust cups ?
  20. What are Bellows ?
  21. What are the positions on punches where Dust cups could be installed ?
  22. What factors are attributed to Tablet capping ?
  23. What is the cause which interrelates Capping and Lamination ?

Answers could be given in comment box with question number any queries could also be asked from author in comment box for more reference on questions surfing through the articles is advised .

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  1. hemanth October 24, 2017
    • Harish November 21, 2017
  2. Balaji Dhange December 23, 2017
  3. satya March 14, 2018
  4. Harish May 23, 2018
  5. Harish June 18, 2018

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