Material Safety Data Sheet In Pharmaceuticals

Material safety data sheets(MSDS)

Material safety data sheet is an document which consists of detailed information regarding the product i.e

  • Effects on Health in case of exposure to product.
  • Risk assessment of product handling and use.
  • Measures to protect workers from exposure.
  • Steps concluded in emergency case .

Occupational Health and Safety Agency(OHSA) obliges the pharmaceuticals under 21 CFR 1910-1200 to keep records of Material safety data sheets for products covered under act .

Material safety data sheets cover following points –

  1. Identification of compound
  2. Hazards the compound associates
  3. Ingredients
  4. Exposure case study
  5. Handling and storage of material
  6. Toxic study of material
  7. Safety measures
  8. Reactivity and Stability of material .
  9. Environment hazards of material
  10. Other information of materials .

The Data sheet of MSDS should not be more than 3 years old if pharmaceuticals are procuring the product from more than 3 years the personnel responsible should contact manufacturer to give new material safety data sheet.There is no minimum quantity of material which should contain Material safety data sheets as some compounds are dangerous at very low concentrations and some are dangerous at high concentration .

Before going for any Audit MSDS(Material safety data sheets) should be procured for materials like Disinfectants , Fumigating agents , Cleaning agents kept in premises because it may be asked by auditors to show them as Safety is main concern for many regulatory agencies and unavailability of MSDS would be major point in case of safety .

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One Response

  1. javhd November 19, 2018

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