Nuclear medicine the Body science

Nuclear medicine into the business .

Nuclear medicine is associated with Diagnosis and ailment of diseases using Radioactive science . Many of us have intention of harm when we hear about Radioactivity but we all often come across radioactivity in our daily life like radiation from sun , radiations are emitted by signals used in phones ,television , radios even visible light contains ultraviolet radiations so ,we are never safe from radioactive radiations however , these radiations are in small quantities which does not have significant impact on our body .

Same science is associated with Nuclear science the radioactive material is used in relatively small quantities so that it may not harm the body it is rather used for diagnosis and ailment purpose

Nuclear medicine imaging technique utilizes the Radio tracers these are the materials which are either injected intravenously , swallowed or inhaled the radio tracers travel though body and emits gamma radiation these radiations are than detected by imaging techniques . Radioactive imaging provides us with data that normal techniques cannot determine .

Although nuclear science is used in many cases but in case of diagnosis and ailment of cancer it has created an revolution it helps in

  • Determination of stage of cancer
  • detect the tumors in pancreas as well as adrenal glands
  • Response to cancer therapy
  • Detect that the cancer may not reoccur

In case of women any matterĀ of pregnancy should be immediately notified to physician prior to test .

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